Welcome to my undistinguished ass blog...
You probably stumbled here from Bluesky wondering -
What in tarnation is Undistinguished.com?
The simple answer is : it's my personal blog that I created using a simple ass, homecooked blogging software package of mine (eYap) leveraging Jenkwerx (a Python web framework I originally made fom my online horse racing game -
Furthermore - it's me, Mike (aka Bubs Meany), and it's also my overall approach to the interwebz. Call it my attempt to harken back to the halcyon days of WWW (and, prior to that, BBS instances).. before overabundant commercialization, page bloat, addictive algorithms, political clout chasing techbros, advertising-over-content, crypto and NFT scams, morale-crushing phony influencers, and AI enshitified almost all of what was one a great thing.
..so now I'm trying to create primarily simple, low code, easy-to-use web sites and frameworks in Python. The goal is to have to rely as little of "other folks shit" as possible going forward.
So this is a live example of my blogging software, eYap. To keep it low maintence and reslient, I am not using a (formal) database. Instead, I am leveraging file naming schemes and notable memory caching to help keep things fast. I'll be expanding things soon to include pagination, previews, dark/light mode, a link aggregator, RSS feed, categories, and some stuff like that. I may even integrate ActivityPub down the road (I have a lot of the code already written, but integrating it will be a bear). But what I have zero appetite to do is add ANY cross-site tracking cookies, big javascript/css framework packages, or especially a "reply to blog" portion (so if you like/hate what I say go out to the Fediverse or Bluesky and @ me - my handles are at the bottom of this page).
I'll make both eYap and Jenkwerx FOSS when I get further along but, honestly, I'm not sure if I have the energy to do a formal repo thing 'cause tech folks can sometimes be a surly pack of motivational vampires and I got no time for that type of drama in my life.
As for what you'll get here - a whole buch of random stuff (tech, comics, music, and other mind dumps). For now it's gonna be one big page but, again, categories, previews, and pagination will hopefully be on the short term horizon.
Until then - thanks for stopping by!
Bubs Meany