You gotta know when to code 'em, know when to fold 'em... coding burnout is a mo faux...
For all intents and purposes, coding/software development is still a relatively new profession. Its effects on the mind have thusfar gone pretty much unstudied to any great degree.
Enter - my lame ass. I've gone through several professional iterations but all of them share one thread : a form of computer coding. Between those career reboots, writing bulletin boards as a teenager, and creating online games, I have been coding full-scale projects in some capacity for roughly 40 years. As such, my perspective is a bit more long-term than most folks.
One of my recent incarnations has me collaborating with younger coworkers who plan to "code as a career." But, after years of "coding is cool and I can't wait to learn" conversations, their enthusiasm toward coding has recently waned .. and I totes understand their unfortunate position. I, too, have hit varying levels of "coding burnout" over my lifetime. The spells have usually ranged from several months to upwards of a year.. and I'm not alone...
horrible drawing of a guy with his head on fire
And, while I've opined on the weaponization of Scrum by shitty organizations, that's only part of the "burnout factor". I could ponticate on that ad nauseum, but here is a well-rounded article written by The Senior Dev instead that I (almost) wholeheartedly agree with that touches on the majority of issues better than I ever could. But my ass is old enough to at least add a unique postscript : I can confirm first-hand that even nearly-perfect work situations will usually lead to coding burnout as well. It may not be 5 years.. Or 10 years... but at some point when you put enough miles on your coding tires, you will almost assuredly need to deal with it regardless of how nice the roads you navigated were. Even creative+fulfilling coding requires long hours staring at a screen, hyper-focusing on the minutiae. All professionals are coalescing there, of course, but early coders were one of the first set of professionals trapped on that digital hamster wheel.
So what solutions can I offer? I'll tell ya, fug being a bootlicking mid-level manager unless you absolutely wanna be. I tried that once out of desperation to avoid another extended burnout and just added fuel to an already raging mental dumpster fire. So sadly, outside of anything more than having a temporary backup plan and a bit of savings, I'm still working this Rubik's Cube out mah damn self... I can tell I'm careening toward my fourth (or is it fifth?) coding burnout, and the causes are too complicated to solve via a Reddit thread full of know-it-alls. I'll keep you guys updated... Microsoft Opensource Emoji - melt

AI still generally sucks, but it's getting better at writing rote code than it used to be... and that sucks even worse...
Local Water Commissioner : "Only a psychopath would speed up climate change for his own profit!"

Comeuppance is best served HOT: behold the ADH!
I'll start with a confession : I never liked the show Seinfeld. Primary reason : I'm not a big fan of the "asshole solely to be an asshole" type character; just not my thing. The show did just fine without my support so I must be in the wrong here. But I do recall some of the simplest people I know loving the show and raving regularly about how "sarcastic" it was. But when they had me watch and rewatch scenes while they guffawed aggressively, I noticed it wasn't the (supposed) sarcasm they enjoyed; it was the randomness and borderline cruelty. "You just don't get sarcasm" they would lecture me; "You would love the show if you got it."

Weaponization of Scrum? In MY department? It's more likely than you think...
This week, I did something I've never done while working a scheduled job: I decided to take the last 3 days of the week off on only 1 day's notice.

Watch out Picasso.. I'm taking up art!
After adding an RSS feed to my blog, I've become quite smitten with RSS. It's allowed me to get to know some of my favorite Mastodonians and Blueskiers better because now their blogs are directly updated in my feed and, as such, have quite enjoyed a lot of interesting and niche articles lately. One thing is certain, however : having images in the reader as well as the actual article makes for a better overall experience. But what images should be used?

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